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My favorite musical artist, James Taylor wrote and sang a song called “Fire and Rain” in the year 1968. There is a line in the song that reads,…

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As many of you know, there are plenty of lessons to be learned in children’s books, stories and songs. The very subtle message of these books give…

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As I write our client quarterly letter, I always try and be remindful as to what the world is going through and what we as occupants of this little…

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Merriam – Webster dictionary defines the word “maven” as “one who is experienced or knowledgeable: expert; also: freak”. We hear the…

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Yogi Berra once said, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future”. Then why do we spend so much of our time focusing on the…

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I Matter

Throughout our day, the members of The High Net Worth Advisory Group listen to stories from all of you about your families, your work, your highs,…

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Clients often ask us where do we see the stock market going. Our response is one of a historical perspective rather than short term guess. We have no…

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The Prayer

“The Prayer” is the name of a song written by Carole Bayer Sager, David Foster, Alberto Testa and Tony Renis. Originally composed for the…

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