In the animated Disney movie “Finding Nemo,” Ellen DeGeneres does the voice over for an extremely forgetful fish named Dory. For those who have not seen the movie, I will quickly summarize. Nemo is a small fish living in the ocean who is captured by a scuba diver who collects fish to sell to aquariums. Nemo’s father, Marlin, goes after the boat that took his son away and the adventure begins. Along the way Marlin meets up with the forgetful Dory who has issues remembering the last time and place she saw the boat carrying Nemo. Their adventure takes the two through the many challenges of the sea. Typical of every Disney movie there are villains and heroes. Marlin and Dory are the heroes and in the end find Nemo and return him home safely. Box office magic!
So why am I writing this client letter about Dory and not Nemo or Marlin, the brave father? The reason is that Dory has my favorite line in the movie and one of the credos I live by. During an extremely stressful time going after Nemo, Dory thought she would not be able to find him and was about to give up. Dory then remembered a story that her parents told her when she was very little. Dory’s parents told her that no matter what you are afraid of, to “just keep swimming” and it will all work out. In non-fish language, to never give up!
The New Year will bring great joy for some and great challenges for others. Many of us may experience both. Our lives may be like a Disney movie with heroes and villains and ups and downs. As a confessed control freak, those who know me best know that as much as I think I am in control of the situation, I am often not. I may not be able to control the outcome as I would prefer but I can guarantee you I can control my attitude and judicial steps taken to make the best decisions possible. I live the “just keep swimming” life. To never give up when things are not going your way.
The message in this New Year’s letter is that Dory had her parents when she was young, she has Marlin at her side during the adventure to find Nemo and at the end a whole new group of friends that accept her for who she is with all her flaws. In her heart she just kept swimming and as her parents had promised, it all worked out!
I am blessed to work each day with an incredible group of people who challenge each other to get better every day. I go home to an amazing family who loves me, flaws and all. I get to work with families who include me in their lives and them in mine as to share our joys and sorrows. Together we will travel this journey. Together we will all ……… just keep swimming!
May you all have a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.